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Data structure

dictpress is language agnostic and has no concept of language semantics. It stores all data in a Postgres database in just two tables entries and relations. To make a universal dictionary interface possible, it treats all dictionary entries as UTF-8 strings that can be accurately searched with Postgres DB's fulltext capabilities by storing tsvector tokens alongside them. The tokens that encode and make the entries searchable can be anything—simple stemmed words or phonetic hashes like Metaphone.

Postgres comes with built-in tokenizers for two dozen languages (\dFd to see the full list on psql).

  • There can be any number of languages defined in the dictionary. eg: 'english', 'malayalam', 'kannada' etc.
  • All content, the entry words and their definitions, are stored in the entries table
  • Entry-definition many-to-many relationships are stored in the relations table, represented by from_id (entry word) -> to_id (definition word), where both IDs refer to the entries table.

Database tables


Field Type
id SERIAL Automtaically generated numeric ID used internally
guid TEXT Automtaically generated unique id (UUID) used in public facing APIs
content TEXT Actual language content. Dictionary word or definition entries
initial TEXT The first "alphabet" of the content. For English, for the word Apple, the initial is A
weight INT An optional numeric value to sort search results in ascending order
tokens TSVECTOR Fulltext search tokens. For English, Postgres' built-in tokenizer gives to_tsvector('fully conditioned') = 'condit':2 'fulli':1
types TEXT[] Types of content as defined in the content. Eg {noun, propernoun}
tags TEXT[] Optional tags
phones TEXT[] Phonetic (pronunciation) descriptions of the content. Eg: {ap(ə)l, aapl} for Apple
notes TEXT Optional additional textual description of the content.
status ENUM enabled (show the entry in search results), disabled (hide from search results), pending (public submission pending moderator review)


Field Type
from_id INT ID of the head word or the dictionary entry in the entries table
to_id INT ID of the definition content in the entry table
types TEXT[] Types defining the definition as defined in the config. Eg {noun, propernoun}
weight INT An optional numeric value to order definition results
tags TEXT[] Optional tags
status ENUM enabled (show the entry in search results), disabled (hide from search results), pending (public submission pending moderator review)
notes TEXT Optional additional textual description of the content.